Longbin Lai
HINSCAN: Efficient Structural Graph Clustering over Heterogeneous Information Networks
Most Probable Maximum Weighted Butterfly Search
Towards a Converged Relational-Graph Optimization Framework
A Survey of Distributed Graph Algorithms on Massive Graphs
Parallelization of Butterfly Counting on Hierarchical Memory
GraphScope Flex: LEGO-like Graph Computing Stack
Bridging the Gap between Relational OLTP and Graph-based OLAP
GLogS: Interactive Graph Pattern Matching Query At Large Scale
FLASH: A Framework for Programming Distributed Graph Processing Algorithms
I/O-Efficient Butterfly Counting at Scale
GraphScope: A One-Stop Large Graph Processing System
GraphScope: A Unified Engine For Big Graph Processing
HUGE: An Efficient and Scalable Subgraph Enumeration System
GAIA: A System for Interactive Analysis on Distributed Graphs Using a High-Level Language
Efficient structural node similarity computation on billion-scale graphs (ICDE20 extended to VLDBJ)
A Framework to Quantify Approximate Simulation on Graph Data
StructSim: Querying Structural Node Similarity at Billion Scale
Improving Distribued Subgraph Matching Algorithm on Timely Dataflow
MPMatch: A Multi-core Parallel Subgraph Matching Algorithm
PatMat: A Distributed Pattern Matching Engine with Cypher
Scalable Subgraph Enumeration in MapReduce: A Cost-oriented Approach
Scalable Distributed Subgraph Enumeration
Scalable Subgraph Enumeration in MapReduce
ShmStreaming: A Shared Memory Approach for Improving Hadoop Streaming Performance